Full Name:

Email Address:

Phone Number:


Instagram Handle:

What are your goals?

Have you ever worked with a coach before? 

What’s your fitness level? 
Beginner: I never trained regularly. New to lifting & training. Don't know much about nutrition. Not sure what to do at the gym.
Intermediate: I work out a few times a week. I know a little about nutrition. I am somewhat sure about what to do at the gym.
Advanced: I know exactly what to do at the gym. I am confident in my form. I know about nutrition but need assistance in making nutrition sustainable and optimizing my training

How would you best describe your overall relationship with Stress Management? 
Good: I feel stressed from time to time. I manage my stress well and feel pretty good majority of the time.
Poor: I feel stressed often and don't know how to manage it. Majority of the time I feel stressed or overwhelmed.

How would you best describe your relationship with food? 
Good: I never have guilt around food. I never overeat/binge eat. I never diet off and on.
Fair: I tried a few diets but never stick to them. I sometimes have guilt around the food I eat. I sometimes overeat/ binge eat.
Poor: I try different diets all the time. I feel very guilty after eating certain foods. I overeat/binge eat quite often.

Do you have any chronic pain?

Are you willing to invest in your fitness goals?

Are you willing to be coached and do what’s necessary?

How did you hear about Fit Fierce Fun?